Monday 20 May 2024

Observations # 31

The Jews shouldn't think too highly of themselves. They were not chosen to be God's specially-chosen people. They were chosen as an instrument God uses to make himself known to the other nations and peoples of the world, so that by coming to know of a God and his laws and decrees and obeying them, they too might be saved.

That is all the Jews were to God, an instrument, an implement, like a gardening tool one uses for some specific purpose, nothing more.

What's so special about them anyway, these Jews? Did they not lie, cheat, murder, rape, fornicate, desecrate Sabbaths and other days holy to the Lord, covert their neighbors' wives and indulge in every sin as did the gentiles? How then were they different, these accursed Jews?

They were used, these Jews who think so highly of themselves they even believe every street in every town in every country in the world should be named after them, by God as an example of what would happen to people who, especially after being called to be a chosen people who walked in the ways of God, turn their backs on him in favor of following the godless ways of a pagan world.

Persecuted, exiled, slaughtered by the millions in the gas chambers and concentration camps of WW2 and still they refuse to heed the lessons of the past and the folly of their ways.

Let us hope the Gentiles, who have now come to know of a God and his laws and decrees and requirements for salvation as a result of the existence of these Jews, do not repeat the same mistakes as them.

The world would never be a peaceful, serene, untroubled, paradisiacal place otherwise.