Tuesday 28 May 2024

Catholic Bullsh*t - An Example

Were you born and raised a Catholic, this is what they teach you in catechism class as a child. 

Who made you?

God made me.

Why did God make you?

God made me because he loves me.

Good. He loves me. Did you see the monstrous, cold-blooded, heartless, merciless way he treated my cat, snuffing its life out breath by breath, day by day, until all that was left to be buried was a skeletal frame covered by skin?

He could have killed it off with one slash of the sword, one thrust of the spear, but no, no point killing off a cat if one couldn't derive pleasure from torturing it first, was there?

He could have made its heart stop with a blood clot-sized bullet to the brain or suffocated it with an invisible plastic bag over its head but nope, no fun in that.

I could go on and on but what's the use, the God who made us because he loves us all treats us all like sh*t when it's time to die, cat, dog or human.

You want a nice clean, quick death? Do it yourself. The God who made you because he loves you prefers the slow death, the painful or excruciatingly painful death, the horrible death.

Wanna know how he justifies himself?

Oh, so-and-so was a bad or wicked cat, dog or human in a previous life, so his/her/its slow/painful/horrible death was justified.

Or so-and-so was a child/house pet of the devil's, so nothing to be sorry about there.

Whatever the justification, no one can say anything. He has the best lawyers in town. He OWNS the judiciary, the courts, the judges, the jury, the public prosecutor, even the cops including the police chief.

Didn't you know? Weren't you told?

He's the mafia boss of all mafia bosses. Untouchable.

Everything else you were taught in catechism class? Catholic bullsh*t.