Saturday 29 July 2023

Observations # 24

We have become so wired to our digital devices such that they have become extensions of our selves, like limbs, such that when they develop life-threatening conditions over time as a result of wear-&-tear and so on, our worlds are turned upside down until they have been fixed and are back to being the normal working extensions of our selves, like limbs, which they have come to be.

Friday 28 July 2023

Observations # 23

If you find there's more work involved when doing the right thing, relax, you're doing the right thing. Doing things the easy way, the smart way, isn't always done in the spirit of doing the right thing. 

Sunday 23 July 2023

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Do not pick up for yourself crutches you don't need that were temporarily set aside by those in genuine need of them who are out there chasing gold medals. 

Something needs to be done? Get it done, one way or the other. Why handicap yourself when those who are genuinely handicapped are out there chasing gold medals in Olympic-size stadiums, Olympic-size swimming pools and other Olympic-size sports arenas?

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Lamentations Viewed Positively

Do not lament about your lot in life. So what if cleaning up the mess your cats leave behind on your neighbor's driveway is a pain in the ass of a daily chore to be endured for the rest of your natural life, or theirs, whichever comes first? Look at it this way.

Cats instinctively know who likes, or at least tolerates, cats and who does not, and pooping on their driveways, in their flowerpots or on their front lawns is their way of saying, 'So, you don't like cats? Screw you, motherf*&%#!' What you gonna do, huh, what you gonna do? Call the cops? Screw you, motherf*&%#, screw you!'

Saturday 15 July 2023

Motivational Talk - Opening & Closing Remarks

Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the challenges of the day, however daunting they may appear to be, lest you be defeated in purpose even before the day begins.

Instead, face the day's challenges like a boxer in the ring, a seasoned boxer who keeps on fighting until the last bell, or until someone gets knocked down, making sure it's not you if someone does get knocked down.