Thursday, 28 November 2024

There's A Claymore At The Door Facing Outwards

 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ;

As you know, the devil was cast down to the earth to mislead the world with lies and deceit, the marks of his trade, in order to snatch people away from following God to following him instead to that pit of burning sulphur that was created specially for him and his children, his flock, all those who belong to him, whose names were not written in the book of life, that place where the worm does not die, nor were the flames extinguished.

It has been written, do not give to dogs what is holy nor cast your pearls before swine, for they may trample them, and afterwards turn around and tear you to pieces.

But verily I say to you, fear not they who can kill the body but not the soul.

Fear they who, let the reader be discerning, will deceive you into believing that everything God has forbidden unto you -killing, raping, butchering, decapitating, disemboweling of pregnant women, adultery, fornication, pillaging, plundering, abducting, kidnapping, enslaving of captive women for sexual purposes, everything evil, wicked and detestable - was permissible and desirable if done in God's holy name.

Their prophets are everywhere, on every street corner, calling you to prayer, inviting you to join them in sinning against God in every sinful way declared sinless by them if done in God's holy name, and risking the reward for such evildoing as a result, a fiery reward in an eternal pit of burning sulphur.

Do not invite such serpents into your homes or share bread with them, for what they seek is the eternal destruction of your soul together with them in everlasting hell.

This is their purpose on earth as recruiting agents for their lord and master, Satan, the Great Deceiver. 

May the one true God, the Lord is his name, deliver us from such evil. Amen.