Friday 30 August 2024

Observations # 36

What does the rape culture in India, as it was unkindly called, and the Young Female Tik Tok Hijabi Seductress phenomenon, as it might be called, have in common?

A repressive hand around the throats of the perpetrators concerned, if they might be called that.

India's so-called rape culture was a self-inflicted wound stemming from the practice of gender segregation prevalent in all sectors of Indian society since time immemorial with a few exceptions - metropolitan university campuses, church communal gatherings and Anglo-Indian house parties where free mixing of the sexes was as natural as breathing with no bad thoughts on the part of any party as would be found in the more rural, Hindu-or-Islam-majority regions of the sub-continent, mischievously referred to as 'backward' especially by westernized New Delhi university students from upper-class backgrounds.

Indian men, in particular the unmarried ones, in these so-called less metropolitan parts, having been denied all their adult lives from coming into social contact with the opposite sex, or what society has taught them from childhood to regard as forbidden fruit, will, given the opportunity, take and enjoy by force what society has forbidden unto them except by marriage.

Similarly, young female hijabis, restricted by Islam, their elders, their community leaders, their imams, their muftis, their ulamas and their mullahs from displaying their physically attractive forms as women were universally wont to do as part of the natural selection process as nature intended which certain segments of society suppress for various reasons including religious ones, will find other less publicly restrictive ways, such as those made available by social media platforms such as Tik Tok for example among others, to wantonly exhibit unto the world the seductiveness of what they were taught from childhood to regard as forbidden fruit from beneath their outer forbidden fruit-enshrouding garments, if we're taking about burkas, which practically none of these young female Tik Tok hijabi seductresses were hindered by in any case.