The old man in a cave up on a hill said, "Rid your hearts of hypocrisy, slander, lies and deceit, as only then will you begin to see through the darkness of your clouded souls the path that leads to enlightenment, a narrow and winding path not everyone will find easy to navigate, and purge yourselves of malice, envy, jealousy and hatred, as only then will you begin to see through the darkness of your clouded souls the path that leads to salvation, a narrow and winding path not everyone will find easy to navigate."
"Sir," we replied, "you know we cannot do that, for we are only human, flawed through and through, down to the bone."
"I neither judge nor condemn you," said the old man in a cave up on a hill, "I am only a beacon of light in the darkness of clouded souls," he continued, "a light not everyone, sighted as well as unsighted, will be able to see."