Sunday, 30 April 2023

The Trouble With Cats


The trouble with cats 
Is they have babies all the time
Like it or not,
You get attached to them 
In the process of looking after them 
And when their babies start dying or going missing,
As happens all the time in this household,
A little bit of you dies inside
Every single time.

Saturday, 8 April 2023

The Old Man In A Cave Up On A Hill

The old man in a cave up on a hill said, "Rid your hearts of hypocrisy, slander, lies and deceit, as only then will you begin to see through the darkness of your clouded souls the path that leads to enlightenment, a  narrow and winding path not everyone will find easy to navigate, and purge yourselves of malice, envy, jealousy and hatred, as only then will you begin to see through the darkness of your clouded souls the path that leads to salvation, a narrow and winding path not everyone will find easy to navigate."

"Sir," we replied, "you know we cannot do that, for we are only human, flawed through and through, down to the bone."

"I neither judge nor condemn you," said the old man in a cave up on a hill, "I am only a beacon of light in the darkness of clouded souls," he continued, "a light not everyone, sighted as well as unsighted, will be able to see."

Friday, 7 April 2023

The Law That Governs Passage Through The Gates Of Heaven

Let us say, of all the various tribes or peoples of the world, there was one particular tribe, one particular ethnic group of people, whose hearts were dirty, as shown by their actions from time to time.

Let us also say, the purity of one's heart was a criteria for entry into heaven.

Therefore, it may safely be concluded that this particular tribe, this particular ethnic group of people, may be turned back at the gate.

However, if  within this particular tribe, this particular ethnic group of people, there was found to be one single individual who in the sight of the Gate Keeper was worthy of passage through the gate, for the sake of this one single individual, no one will be turned back at the gate. 

This is the law that governs passage through the gates of heaven.