Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The Mechanics Of How Stress Kills

It's a popular notion that stress kills. Indeed, it does. Here's how.

The human body reacts to stress, workplace-generated or otherwise, by shutting itself down as a defense mechanism in order to distance itself from the source. This it does by constricting blood flow to the heart, resulting in a heart attack, or the brain, resulting in a stroke.

Utilizing fat deposits and other artery-clogging substances such as nicotine-generated plaque already present or that which may be present in the blood, the human body creates blood flow-constricting barriers inside the artery over a period of time, resulting in clogged arteries that in turn trigger heart attacks or stroke.

In conclusion, the human body reacts to stress, whatever its form or origin, by shutting itself down as a defense mechanism, or, in other words, by committing suicide.