Sunday 4 November 2018

The Devil's Many Faces

It's been written,"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming,'I am the Messiah', and will deceive many."

No one knows what Jesus really looked like. Everyone in agreement? Good. Let's proceed.

The popular visual representation of Jesus as being a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, long-flowing-haired, bearded Caucasian male is actually based on a 4th Century Byzantine artistic representation of a god-like, enthroned emperor modelled on a younger version of Zeus, the Greek god of gods, to symbolize his divine persona as exemplified below.

For all we know, according to a reverse-engineered reconstruction of a Galilean man by forensic anthropologist Richard Neave in 2001 for a BBC documentary based on an actual skull found in the region, this is what he may have actually looked like.

Worlds apart, if you ask me. In any case, we all know how great  a deceiver the devil, Satan, is, and the devil, with his legions of angels, demons more likely, to do his bidding, evil work more likely, wears as many hats as he has disguises.

And since nothing is sacred to him, this deceiver of deceivers and, quote, 'the father of lies', unquote, it is believed this Evil One on occasion assumes the popular visual image of Jesus everyone is accustomed to in order to lead the whole world astray, which incidentally is what he does best, what he was meant to do.

We all know of someone or have heard of someone saying he or she, quote, 'saw Jesus', or ' heard Jesus speak;' unquote, at some stage of that person's life. We may also know of or have heard of people claiming they saw or were visited by popular visual representations of other religious deities somewhat lesser in rank, but that's another story.

So, be warned, for, quote, 'Many will come in my name, claiming, "I am the Messiah," and will deceive many,' unquote.