Thursday, 5 February 2015

Lawlessness : The Result Of Parental Failure

Parents fail as parents when they fail to teach their children it is not okay to turn public roads in residential areas into makeshift badminton courts, soccer pitches or children's playgrounds, public roads with traffic flowing through them even up till late at night.
When that happens, their children grow up and in turn impart the same values, or the lack of, to their own children which is repeated from generation to generation.
Which is why everybody does as he pleases when someone gets married or dies - block off public roads in residential areas with makeshift canopied banquet halls for wedding guests or reception halls for funeral guests. Are there no public halls for wedding receptions or funeral parlors for funerals in town? Of course there are. So why aren't they being utilized instead?
Simple. Because that's what parents teach their children to do from an early age onwards where public roads in residential areas are concerned - to do as they pleased like they bloody well owned them.
I'm referring of course to incidents as mentioned above that happens here in Malaysia and probably in the whole of South-East Asia as well. I'm bloody well certain such 'lawlessness' does not occur in the more civilized western countries of the world, Australia and New Zealand included, but if it does happen over there, I'm bloody well certain you'd need a permit from the local authorities for it. On second thoughts, I'm willing to bet Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore would not tolerate such nonsense either.