Saturday 28 September 2024

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Jannah Welcome Committee Officials Call For Halt In Fighting To Replenish Virgin Bride Stock Exhausted By Excessive Martyr Arrivals

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Lower Earth Orbit Relay Station, Outer Space:- Jannah welcome committee officials have called for a halt in fighting in the Middle East due to diminishing virgin bride stockpiles caused by an unprecedented surge in martyr arrivals.

"We wouldn't be in this position," said one of the officials speaking on condition of anonymity, "had high-ranking martyrs not arrived in large numbers unexpectedly," he continued, "and although we don't generally talk about it, high-ranking martyrs are entitled to certain privileges others are not, such as special quotas in virgin bride allotments, which can run into the hundreds of thousands, even millions, like on earth, the only difference being the currency type," he concluded.